Tuesday, April 6, 2010

PD 199: IDEO method cards

-Activity analysis
-Secondary Research
-Cross Cultural Comparisons
-Competitive Product Survey
-Historical analysis

Analyzing, comparisons and surveys are effective tools to the learning process, it can help the designer to consider internal, external conflicts to developing a product. Past and current trends, social, cultural standards, styles, and past designs are factors in changing the end product.

-Personal Inventory
-Social Network Mapping
-Day In The Life
-Behavioral Mapping

Observing the activities, mannerisms, habits, rituals, and needs of your target and potential market can help focus the products design. through observing you are able to learn the tendencies of the people through how they naturally act and find valuable and important.

-Draw The Experience
-Extreme User Interviews
-Conceptual Landscape
-Survey and Questionnaires
-Word Concept Association
Asking and questioning allows the designer to focus on developing specific design problems. In other cases, this process can reveal information that can not always be achieved through a formal questioning process. Informal and experimental ways of gather information of provide value information from the customer that can not be reached through formal interactions.

-Behavior Sampling
-Be Your Costumer
-Experience Prototype
-Quick and Dirty Prototyping
Taking risks and learning from your mistakes early on can save a product from failing and trouble shooting later on. Trying allows you to weed out the mistakes and discover what works best and what doesn't work. Prototyping allows the designer to experiment and see the reaction of the public to the product, that information can then be used to make changes and refine the product before it is finalized.

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